Lukas Rieder

Lukas Rieder

Tell us something about your background.

After my A-levels I started with my bachelor’s program in Molecular Biology at the Graz University of Technology. Then started my master studies in Biotechnology also at the Graz University of Technology. Currently, I am working on my Master thesis in Prof. Anton Glieders group engineering an expression system for filamentous fungi.

Aside my studies at the University I was captain of the NAWI-Graz iGEM Team in summer of 2016, had different internships in research and also worked at the Graz University of Technology and the Karl-Franzens University Graz as an student assistant.


Tell us a bit about your PhD project in OXYTRAIN and your research interests.

My project in OXYTRAIN: Elucidation of the oxidative mechanism of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases

My PhD project will be about lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs). The main objectives are the elucidation of structural determinants of substrate specificity, oxidative regioselectivity and industrial performance LPMOs.

My scientific interests

The field of Molecular Biology always interested me a lot. It amazes me that we can design our own DNA parts ourselves, which can be used by organisms to produce what we want. During my studies I also started to realize what enormous potential enzymes can have and how “easy” we can work with them and engineer them.

Furthermore, I think that this field of research has big influence to all of our future lives and there is so much more to be discovered.


What do you expect from OXYTRAIN?

I think that OXYTRAIN will be an exceptional PhD program. Besides the really interesting topic, I applied for this program because of the opportunity to work in close partnership with industry and set up a good network between the ESRs and their supervisors.

I hope for some great interdisciplinary training events, which will teach us certain soft skills we will need in our future career.


What do you like to do in your free time, your hobbies, interests, what motivates you.

In my free time I am doing a lot of different things. I like it to be around with my friends playing computer games, watching movies or just enjoying my free time.

In addition to my “lazy” activities I also like to do sports such as wake-boarding during the summer, training Jujitsu and going skinning in winter, which is my biggest passion.

I also really enjoy cooking or preparing some great barbecue for my family and friends.