What we do

Oxygenases are a group of enzymes that carry out the regio-, stereo- and chemoselective introduction of oxygen into a large range of organic molecules under mild conditions, and thus catalyse crucial reactions in various metabolic routes.


The OXYTRAIN research programme is grouped into 7 WPs addressing the specific research objectives described above, providing the project framework. WPs 1 to 4 focus on the main research areas, WP5 includes the main training events, and WP6 and WP7 cover the management and dissemination tasks.


The EU-H2020 OXYTRAIN Training Program will support PhD education for 12 ESRs within the dynamic environment of seven top-level universities and eight industrial partners. Each ESR will be enrolled in a Doctoral Programme for 36 months. In cases where doctoral programmes extend over a period of 48 months, funding has been secured to cover the remaining 12 months.

OXYTRAIN will provide a training network for 12 ESRs spread over four Work Packages (WP). The WPs correspond to four major classes of oxygenases: flavin-dependent monooxygenases (WP1), heme-dependent monooxygenases (WP2), copper-dependent monooxygenases (WP3) and cofactor-independent oxygenases (WP4). The four experimental WPs will be complemented by an intensive course programme and networking events (WP5). Moreover, the consortium behind OXYTRAIN is composed of leading scientists recognised by the excellence of their graduate programmes, by the high-level of research performed and by several previous interactions.

Working Packages

Contact us

Molecular Enzymology Group
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4, 9747AG Groningen, The Netherlands

OXYTRAIN is sponsored by EU-H2020

OXYTRAIN has received funding from the Horizon 2020 Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union under grant agreement n° 722390. Material on this website reflect only the author’s views and the Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.