Gautier Bailleul

Gautier Bailleul

Tell us something about your background.

I started my scientific education with a Bachelor of Science specialized in Cellular Biology & Physiology in my Hometown (Le Havre, France). Then I went to the University of Lille where I did my Master of Science in Molecular & Cellular Engineering/Biotechnology. This master gave me the opportunity to go abroad for two internships: 5 months in Sweden in the first year and 6 months in Canada in the second year.
My project at the Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) was about engineering a glycoside hydrolase (glucosidase) into a glycosynthase for Keratan sulfate synthesis. This is how I learnt to work on Enzyme engineering, using related methods like mutagenesis, expression/purification and enzymatic tests.


Tell us a bit about your PhD project in OXYTRAIN and your research interests.

My project in OXYTRAIN: Knowledge-based redesign of a flavin-containing monooxygenase

My aim is to use directed evolution approaches to expand the biocatalytic potential of a flavin-containing monooxygenase.

This will be achieved by generating and screening knowledge-based focused enzyme mutant libraries. By combining beneficial mutations, potent enzymes will be engineered for performing conversions of indole and related compounds. The mutant enzymes will be subjected to detailed studies in order to understand the effects of the mutations on the thermo- and operational stability, kinetic parameters and regio- and enantioselectivity.

One of the main application of this research is to use an ”upgraded” enzyme to industrially produce indigo dye with less harmful chemicals while staying cost efficient.


My scientific interests

I have always been fascinated into remodeling cells so they can be used as microscopic factories and produce the specialized tools we need, here the enzymes.

The fact that I can work on enzyme engineering to redesign these tools to allow a better exploitation of their catalytic power is, according to me, really exciting.

I hope that through a better efficiency some companies may consider working with these biological methods which are more sustainable than most the ones used nowadays.


What do you expect from OXYTRAIN?

My first goal was to pursue my scientific development by the accomplishment of PhD. Wishing to develop a career in the field of biotechnology and truly passionate about enzyme engineering and bioprocesses, I believe OXYTRAIN is a great opportunity to deepen my experience while learning new techniques and methods.

The fact that OXYTRAIN is a European network makes it even more appealing in my opinion since it would allow me to collaborate with other labs in other countries so we could learn from each other.
It is also beneficial for me that this research network is close to industrial partners since I’m interesting into working in industry after my PhD.


What do you like to do in your free time, your hobbies, interests, what motivates you.

I used to practice Judo for 20 years but now I mostly run and go to the gym.

I love chilling with friends, going to festivals, exploring wild places with just a backpack.
Nevertheless I am also a huge fan of cocooning with Netflix, videogames, warm blankets and junk food.